Saturday, July 13, 2013

Homemade corn dogs and baked fries

I've been either too busy or lazy to try new things much.  But it was time to break out a couple new ones.  My kids love corn dogs and I don't buy them very often because I'm trying to save money.  So I decided we should give them a try and throw in some baked fries too. I would count this as a success.  My son is begging for me to try them again since he missed out.

I found the corn dog recipe here. This blog,, focuses on avoiding preservatives and using organics.  I just used what I had on hand.  My focus is from scratch and cheaper. The biggest tip I have to share is a wide mouth canning jar. Also, be careful not to let the batter get too thick on the corn dog.  Mine pooled in the oil while it cooked.

Now for the fries!  I loves french fries and I've been looking for ways to get the crispiness without all the fat. The recipe for the oven baked fries, from Annie's Eats, is pretty easy and saves you some fat.  The soaking step is really important. Watch them carefully towards the end and cook them to desired crispness. I also used seasoning salt instead of kosher salt. Enjoy a great treat!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Strawberry-Rhubarb Cream Cheese Cobbler

We have pretty big garden and sometimes I wonder if it is worth all the work.  Well we got a lot of strawberries this year, just in time for Father's day. (I am really slow sharing this recipe because June was a whirlwind!) I let my hubby peruse my pinterest board to choose his dessert for Father's day.  He wanted to use strawberries and rhubarb from the garden, so this one caught his eye.

The original recipe can be found here.  My husband loved it but I don't know if I'll make it again.  I followed the recipe except we added 2 cups of chopped rhubarb along with the berries.  I would recommend this recipe for anyone wanting to try a new rhubarb dessert.  Tell me what you think?