Sunday, December 8, 2013

3 ingredients hot fudge

This is the easiest and yummiest hot fudge recipe! It takes just a few minutes and can be done in the microwave. It is thick and creamy. I don't think I'll find one better.

A cup, a cube and a can Hot fudge
1 cup chocolate chips, any kind will work.
1/2 cup butter, or known as a cube
1 can of sweetened condensed milk

Melt the chocolate chips and butter in the microwave. One minute to start and the 30 increments until melted. Stir in the sweetened condensed milk until smooth. Serve on ice cream or other lovely desserts. Keep in the fridge, but it will disappear fast.

Local honey!

This spring, a friend approached us about keeping bees as a joint venture. They would carry most of the financial burden and we'd watch them as well as provide the location. How's that for local!  I insisted that they were away from where the kids played, especially to help unsuspecting or curious kids away.

The bees were busy all summer and we hardly noticed them. Fall rolled around and it was time to harvest!

Aaron and Kevin collected the honey and took it to be spun.

We like to think that the bees helped the local farmers.

We ended up with really delicious honey, which we split with the other family. We can't wait to see what next year brings, hopefully more honey!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Hot dog roaster bags

With a large family we always have jeans wearing out with still usable parts and I hate to just throw them out. We also have lots of the same item, like roasting sticks, and I struggle to keep them organized! So I had the idea to cut off a pant leg and make it into a bag for all of our roasting sticks. No more hunting them down as they fall behind things in our shed.
These were really fast and simple!
1. Rustle up old jeans, without a hole in the knee.  You could make a fun patch for them and then use them. 
2. Measure your roasting sticks. Add 4 inches. Cut your pant let off at the measured distance plus 4.
3. Turn the pant leg inside out. Sew the bottom closed, about 1 inch seam allowance.
4. Fold down the top 1 inch, pin in place. Sew around the top leaving a 1 inch gap. I used a 1/4 inch seam allowance and a small zigzag stitch.
5. Measure 18 inches of paracord or other cording. Cut and then fuse the ends.
6. Thread through the casing. Knot together.
7. Fill with roasting sticks! Enjoy not having a tangled mess of roasting sticks next time you decide it is time for hot dogs and smores.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Homemade Chocolate frosty

Every summer we love to make homemade ice cream! I have my favorite recipe but wanted to try something different. We love Wendy's frosties, we just don't indulge very often. So this recipe was a lot cheaper and quick to make. We just added more chocolate than the original recipe.

 Homemade Chocolate Frosty
yields 4 quarts
1/2 gallon chocolate milk
1 can sweetened condensed milk
8 oz. whipped topping
1/2 cup chocolate syrup, if you want more chocolaty flavor

Combine well and pour into the ice cream freezer. Freeze and enjoy!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Chicken and Green Chili Pasta

I cook a lot of pasta because it is fast and cheap. But the Italian twist gets old after a while. I found this recipe over at Joyful Momma's Kitchen and thought it would be a refreshing change. We love Mexican food and loved this recipe. My favorite part is that is it is totally from scratch, but don't let that scare you! I just used sharp cheddar because I love the strong flavor. We've made this several times and it disappears quickly. Check it out here!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Preacher's cake

I just have to say I loved this cake! I was moist, flavorful and just plain delicious! I can't wait to make it again. It has crushed pineapple that gives it the flavor and moisture. It was great for a summer treat but it would be great any time. Go visit Good Food Gourmet for the recipe! Below is my cream cheese frosting. I like it because it has a strong cream cheese flavor.

Cream Cheese Frosting
8 oz. cream cheese
1/4 cup butter, softened
1 tsp. vanilla
Cream together until light and fluffy. Slowly beat in 4 cups powdered sugar.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Royal Icing for decorating

My baby was turning 2 and in love with giraffes. I am not an artist and was at a loss as how I could make something I would be happy with.  After talking to my very talented artist/ cake decorating sister, she suggested using royal icing to make it.  I haven't worked much with it so I was unsure but willing to try it out.

First I found cartoon clip art that was about what I wanted, sized it and then printed it off.  Next I made a batch of the Wilton Royal Icing. I split up the batch into different bowls according the amount I needed for each color. I used the Wilton color gels for all the colors except brown, I used the Hershey's Extra Dark Unsweetened Cocoa to get the desired dark brown.

To begin drawing your design, place wax paper over the printed design. Tape down to your surface, I used a cutting board to make it easier to move for drying. Next pipe the outline using at 3 or 4 tip and allow to dry for several minutes. Then fill in each area, allowing the icing to flow and fill each section. I did go back over the outline a second time to better show the details.  Set aside in a warm, dry place for at least 48 hours. They need to be completely dry all the way through. Otherwise it will be hard to peel the wax paper off.

When it is time to place the decorations, gently peel the wax paper off. If you look really close at the tree, it broke but ended up adding to the details. The bigger the design, the more fragile it will be. Carefully plan your placement on the cake because you won't want to move it once it is on the cake.  Then set it in place and finish decorating.
Enjoy a beautiful creation!

Duck Dynasty cake

My family doesn't have cable or satellite, so we were slow to board the Duck Dynasty train.  We love to watch it as a family, which I can't say that about most shows.  I love that they are religious and people I'd actually like my kids to learn from. They are good, hard working people.
I decided to surprise my son with a Duck Dynasty cake. I found a great tutorial here.
My beard turned out too gray and the headband should have been bigger.  I used royal icing instead of fondant. It turned out good enough, so try your hand at it!

I'm back!

Sorry that I have fallen off the face of the blogosphere!  I got busy with vacations and back to school preparations. I was busy testing out new ideas and baking lots of fun things but never found to share them.  So I hope that I can start catching up and sharing some great things.
I loved hanging out with my sisters!

I also completed my second half marathon which was actually 14.1 miles on single track trails through the Ogden Divide.  Gorgeous views but I couldn't walk right for several days.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Homemade corn dogs and baked fries

I've been either too busy or lazy to try new things much.  But it was time to break out a couple new ones.  My kids love corn dogs and I don't buy them very often because I'm trying to save money.  So I decided we should give them a try and throw in some baked fries too. I would count this as a success.  My son is begging for me to try them again since he missed out.

I found the corn dog recipe here. This blog,, focuses on avoiding preservatives and using organics.  I just used what I had on hand.  My focus is from scratch and cheaper. The biggest tip I have to share is a wide mouth canning jar. Also, be careful not to let the batter get too thick on the corn dog.  Mine pooled in the oil while it cooked.

Now for the fries!  I loves french fries and I've been looking for ways to get the crispiness without all the fat. The recipe for the oven baked fries, from Annie's Eats, is pretty easy and saves you some fat.  The soaking step is really important. Watch them carefully towards the end and cook them to desired crispness. I also used seasoning salt instead of kosher salt. Enjoy a great treat!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Strawberry-Rhubarb Cream Cheese Cobbler

We have pretty big garden and sometimes I wonder if it is worth all the work.  Well we got a lot of strawberries this year, just in time for Father's day. (I am really slow sharing this recipe because June was a whirlwind!) I let my hubby peruse my pinterest board to choose his dessert for Father's day.  He wanted to use strawberries and rhubarb from the garden, so this one caught his eye.

The original recipe can be found here.  My husband loved it but I don't know if I'll make it again.  I followed the recipe except we added 2 cups of chopped rhubarb along with the berries.  I would recommend this recipe for anyone wanting to try a new rhubarb dessert.  Tell me what you think?

Saturday, June 29, 2013

It is finished!

Over the last few months, I have gained a lot of respect for the parents of Eagle Scouts.  It has been such a roller coaster and hard to sit back while he figures things out.  As the Boy Scout Committee Chair for our troop, I really wanted to make sure my son's project fit all the criteria and accomplished the overall goals for an Eagle project.

My son had wanted to do an outdoor project but it was not going to fit into his busy summer.  So we started looking into other ideas, none seem to fit our timetable or criteria.  One day I was talking to my friend about projects that the Mountain West Strings Academy needed.  She suggested a few ideas, then remembered that our local elementary school wanted cello racks.  The custodian had said he would build them but he hadn't had time yet.  With that idea, we started to figure out the details.  
Here is the before, lots of cases everywhere.  Disaster waiting to happen!

Now a safe place to store 10 cellos and a very happy custodian!  I was so relieved to get them delivered and the paperwork signed.  There are a few little things to wrap up but at least what should be the hard part is done.

Some things I learned:
1.  Lower your expectations.  It just needs to be good enough not perfect.  Your scout won't do things quite the way you would but the point is for them to figure it out with your guidance.

2.  Don't do things for them that they should do themselves.  My scout didn't like making phone calls and I would just tell him what he should do then back off.  It was really hard for me not to jump in but he needed to learn from experience and a few mistakes.

3.  Take the time to read through the whole packet before deciding on a project. BSA had provided lots of great advice for parents and leaders.  It will help you make sure you have chosen a good project from the beginning.  Some projects that were suggested to us, in my opinion, were not worthy to be called Eagle projects. Choose wisely.

4.  Let your scout develop his leadership skills. Try to find the balance between offering advice and guidance to taking over the project.  I kept telling my scout if I do this then it will be my project not your's.  Give him the gift of really earning his award.

5. Your scout will surprise you.  I found it was a big step in letting him grow up.  I've been telling my kids that my goal is to raise them to be self-sufficient adults.  Now is them time to let them show you what they are capable of and see all your hard work payoff.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Green Chili Chicken Pasta

Everyone at my house was getting bored with my dinners and I wanted some inspiration.  So I started perusing my pins for something new to try. This one caught my eye and was different.  I always think pasta has to be Italian but why not Mexican? The genius behind this one is Joyful Momma.  I made some changes to her recipe to better suit my family's taste and what I had on hand. So feel free to make it her way or try some idea you have!

This recipe is basic and easy to adjust without risking a flop meal.  First, here is the original recipe.  My family likes a little kick, so I added some cumin and chili powder.  Also I changed the sauce to use my Cream of Chicken soup mix instead of the roux.  This recipe would be great for using up grilled chicken, it would add great flavor.  Also, I even skipped the baking step to save time and it turned out great, just heat it through.  So here's my twist:

Green Chili Chicken Pasta
1 box penne pasta, cooked according to package directions
2 cooked chicken breasts, diced
2 cans cream of chicken soup or equivalent mix
1 cup plain greek yogurt
1 tsp. cumin, adjust to taste if desired
1 tsp. chili powder, adjust to taste if desired
4 oz. can diced green chilies
2 cups grated sharp cheddar cheese.
Grease a 9 x 13 pan. Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees.  Layer cooked pasta and chicken.  Combine the cream of chicken soup, greek yogurt, cumin, chili powder and green chilies in medium bowl. Pour over the pasta and chicken.  Top with cheese.  Bake at 350 degrees for 15-20 minutes or until the top is bubbly.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Fruit Salsa and Baked Cinnamon Chips

Memorial day weekend involved lots of food and fun with family. I didn't want to totally derail my healthier eating, so I made this yummy fruit salsa.  The first time I went to make it, I didn't have kiwi or raspberries.  I thought that crushed pineapple might be a good substitute and I really loved it.  Summer is here and fresh fruit hits the spot!

1 can crushed pineapple, drained
2 apples, diced
1 pound strawberries, coarsely chopped
3 tablespoons sugar-free jam, I used blackberry

Combine all the ingredients in a medium sized bowl.  Chill in the refrigerator while you make the cinnamon chips.

Baked Cinnamon Chips
10 whole wheat tortillas
Cooking spray
Cinnamon sugar

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Spray the front and back of each tortilla.  Cut them in 6 equal pieces. Arrange on greased cookie sheet.  Sprinkle with cinnamon sugar, as much as you like.  Bake for 8-10 minutes, until golden on the edges and crunchy.  Re-coat with cinnamon sugar if desired.  Repeat with another batch.  Let cool, then serve with the fruit salsa.  Enjoy!

Notes:  It is best served the first day.  The salsa will get very juicy but still good the second day.  The original recipe called for kiwis and raspberries.  Don't be afraid to try other favorite fruits, the possibilities are endless! 

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Cleaning your Pack'n'Play

We were so excited to have family coming to visit us, especially my little nephew!  I was busy getting the house ready for company and remembered that I wanted to try cleaning my pack'n'play.  I didn't recall it looking dirty but when I pulled it out I realized it really needed to be done.  The wee one deserved a clean bed too.

I went to my pin for instructions.  The Thrifty Mom posted a youtube video and had great results.  Her playpen was really gross and had tried other methods unsuccessfully.  Soaking finally worked and I'm happy with my results too.  I didn't use the detergent she suggested, but I just used 1 tablespoon of my homemade laundry soap.  After soaking as instructed, I tried to get all the water off that I possibly could.  I set it outside standing on the side to dry in the sun.  After a little while I squeezed more water out and then more time in the sun.  My boards in the mattress to did warp a little, but I'm still glad it did it.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Family Tree

Now that Mother's day has passed I can post my gift to my mother and mother-in-law.  I saw this family tree on Pinterest.  Smallgood Hearth had a great idea to make a personalized family tree. It was not very expensive, the frame was the most expensive part.  

I bought a canvas and stopped by the paint department for the paint chips. I had the rest of the supplies at home.  I started by painting a tree trunk and making sure to have a branch to hang the swing on.  Next was cutting out all the leaves.  I just free handed them and made sure I had extra.  To make the swing, cut a rectangle to scale for your tree. I used an embroidery needle to get the string through and then tied a knot at the top and bottom.  I glued the swing on and drew the heart with initials.  Next I set the leaves on to get an idea where they would fit, since I was trying to keep the family groups together.  Then I just used Tacky Glue to attach the leaves.  I even left a couple blank leaves for the two babies coming this fall.  I also left room for the growing families to add more leaves, extra leaves were taped to the back of the frame. 

Both moms were thrilled with the results.  I'm really pleased with it too and it wasn't hard to do.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Ratty doll hair fix

I have 5 daughters which means we have copious amounts of all things girl!  I got tired of fighting the barbie explosion  and I put the barbies away in the shed.  The original plan was to just take a break for a while.  The girls kept asking periodically to get them back and my response every time, "Keep your room clean, then we can talk."  Well, they finally did and I wanted to pare down before returning them. 

I also wanted to try out a pin a saw. Tammy at Housing a Forest had a simple fix for frizzy doll hair.  Before "retiring" the ratty haired barbies, I wanted to see if I could spruce them up.

The fix was simple.  Brush out the hair the best you can.  Soak the hair in really hot water. Brush again and let the hair dry.  It worked like a charm!  I have to admit that I used a little detangler on the tough ones.  

The girls were excited to enjoy their barbies again and to be able to actually brush hair too.  Next time I'll involve the girls and not wait until there is such a mess.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Layered Oreo Chocolate Chip Cookie Brownies

I saw these brownies floating around Pinterest with lots of different names, some are not very kid-friendly.  I was excited to try them because it had lots of my favorite things:  chocolate chip cookie, oreos and brownies.  I was disappointed, don't think I'll make them again.  They were just not what I envisioned.  I have other decadent dessert I enjoy a lot more, count this one as a fail.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Baby bow tie

My sister searched everywhere for a bow tie for her baby to wear in an upcoming wedding.  So she asked me if I would make one.  I only had one boy and he's about to turn 16, I was excited do a project for a little boy!  I checked out several tutorials and most closely followed this one.  I wasn't happy with the attachment methods I saw and got creative.  

I wanted something comfortable for the baby and easy to put on or off for the adult wrestling the little one.  My answer was to use the 1 inch wide elastic used for headbands.  It has just enough stretch and soft.  Next I found a swimsuit clasps for the closures, again hoping it would be easy to dress wiggly baby.  To attach the tie, I just carefully hot glued it on.  
I can't wait to see this on my sweet nephew!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Old fashioned McDonald's Fried Apple Pie

My husband loves McDonald's apple pies and now my kids do too!  He misses the deep fried pies but has gotten used to the baked version.  We found this recipe and had to try it for our dessert.  I just used some of our home-canned apple pie filling for filling and served with vanilla ice cream.  The crust was nice and flaky.  These will be a repeat at our house!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Lowfat Eclair cake

I was craving chocolate but wanted to keep it healthier, so I made some changes to the recipe I tried before.  This will be my go to recipe for summer!

Lowfat Eclair Cake
(Original recipe found here.)

1 cup water
1/2 cup butter
1 cup flour
4 large eggs
1 cup vanilla greek yogurt
1 large box chocolate sugar-free instant pudding
3 cups milk
1 8 oz. container cool whip
chocolate syrup

Preheat oven to 400. Lightly grease a 9"X13" glass baking pan.
For the Eclair Crust: In a medium saucepan, melt butter in water and bring to a boil. Remove from heat. Stir in flour. Mix in one egg at a time, mixing completely before adding another egg. Spread mixture into pan, covering the bottom and sides evenly. Mixture will be very wet.
Bake for 30-35 minutes or until golden brown.  Remove from oven and let cool (don't touch or push bubbles down).
For the Filling:  In medium bowl make chocolate pudding by beating the pudding mix and the milk for 3 minutes and put in the fridge until set. Make sure pudding is thick before mixing in the greek yogurt until smooth.  Let cool in fridge.When the crust is completely cooled, pour filling in. Top with layer of cool whip however thick you want it and serve with a drizzle chocolate syrup

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Lalaloopsy cake!

My daughter was going to have her birthday while we were at grandma's house for Easter.  I wanted to still make a fun cake for her but it was going be a little more challenging because I wouldn't be in my own kitchen.  
I looked around Pinterest and found my inspiration.

I made this cake for my daughter, its 10" round and 7" round cakes covered in fondant.  bottom tier has "quilted" pattern, and colorful buttons I made out of fondant.  top tier has patches and frosting "stiching".  I really didn't care for the top tier, I would definitely change the design next time.  I used toys on this cake because my daughter really wanted the minis, and since I also did my son's cake, it was much easier and faster

I made a batch of fondant and planned to cut out buttons, table and chairs later.  I was short on time and so I made lots of mistakes but in the end, it turned out because the little girls loved it!

Friday, March 29, 2013

Peeps banner

I loved this project!  It was quick and simple.  I had some Easter ribbon purchased on clearance and waiting for the perfect project.  Check out Dana's tutorial here.
Happy Easter!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Peeps flowers

A couple of years ago I found a tutorial to make these really cute Peeps flowers.  They were easy and brightened up our table.  The kids love eating the dried out Peeps and candy in the vase( if there are any left).  
The original tutorial can be found here.  They call it a Peeps topiary wreath, I just call them flowers.  I used smaller embroidery hoops, which I separated.  Also, I glued two long skewers together and painted them green.  Now all I need to buy are fresh Peeps each spring.  This year I got adventurous and used the blue "party cake" chicks.  It was a fun addition with the bright speckles!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Our superhero's birthday!

My hubby usually doesn't care much about what kind of cake I make for his birthday.  This year I got inspired by these superhero plates.  It was lost on my kids until we showed them classic Batman episodes.  I just baked and frosted a two layer cake.  I just choose a box mix and add an extra egg and a instant pudding  packet.  Then bake according to box directions.

I printed and cut out the Superman symbol. Gently set it on the cake and trace it with a toothpick.  Then fill it in with a frosting filled bag.  Everyone was pleased with the results, especially since it was a crazy, busy day!