Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Hot dog roaster bags

With a large family we always have jeans wearing out with still usable parts and I hate to just throw them out. We also have lots of the same item, like roasting sticks, and I struggle to keep them organized! So I had the idea to cut off a pant leg and make it into a bag for all of our roasting sticks. No more hunting them down as they fall behind things in our shed.
These were really fast and simple!
1. Rustle up old jeans, without a hole in the knee.  You could make a fun patch for them and then use them. 
2. Measure your roasting sticks. Add 4 inches. Cut your pant let off at the measured distance plus 4.
3. Turn the pant leg inside out. Sew the bottom closed, about 1 inch seam allowance.
4. Fold down the top 1 inch, pin in place. Sew around the top leaving a 1 inch gap. I used a 1/4 inch seam allowance and a small zigzag stitch.
5. Measure 18 inches of paracord or other cording. Cut and then fuse the ends.
6. Thread through the casing. Knot together.
7. Fill with roasting sticks! Enjoy not having a tangled mess of roasting sticks next time you decide it is time for hot dogs and smores.

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